How to Help Monarchs


5 Ways You Can Help Monarchs

  1. Plant native milkweeds if you live farther than 5-10 miles from an overwintering site. Close proximity to an overwintering site is a 'no milkweed zone,’ and includes all of Pacific Grove. These areas are not part of milkweed's historic range, and the introduction of the non-native plant can disrupt natural migratory patterns and introduce increased levels of monarch parasites.

  2. Plant native nectar plants if you live close to an overwintering site, like Pacific Grove, you should plant nectar-bearing, or flowering, plants. Especially ones that will bloom in the fall, winter, and/or spring when monarchs are on the peninsula. These flowers will provide food for adult monarch butterflies, which is the only life cycle stage that would naturally occur here.

  3. Refrain from using pesticides around your home — herbicides, and insecticides — since these can harm monarch butterflies when they visit your garden.

  4. Support legislation that protects habitat for monarch butterflies and other pollinators. Habitat loss is one of the leading causes of the population decline of the western monarch butterfly.

  5. Volunteer at the Pacific Grove Monarch Sanctuary! Educating the public about the importance of protecting these important overwintering sites is a great way to spread awareness for the plight of the monarch and its amazing migration. Inquire about volunteer opportunities at the PG Museum of Natural History. No experience necessary.

For more information, here is a link to a Monarch Conservation Webinar Series that features Museum staff- “Western Monarch Population Down by 99% - How You Can Help”

The Western Monarch Butterfly population has been in decline in recent years, let’s go over why this may be happening and ways you can help!